Brebemi and the future

This section shows the different initiatives and the compliance level related to the environment and sustainability efforts implemented by Società di Progetto Brebemi. This section is divided into three sub-sections:

Action Plan:

The Action Plan was created to comply with the stipulations of Legislative Decree 194/2005, the objective of which is to address the issues of sound pollution and its effects, including, when necessary, measures to reduce it.

The Plan was designed based on the results of the sound mapping performed and essentially is aimed at detecting critical points, defining the measures to be implemented, identifying silent areas and determining times and costs. It is updated every 5 years and, in compliance with Art. 8 of Legislative Decree 194/05, it is available to the public on the company’s website.

Green initiatives

This subsection provides the public with information on the environmental and sustainability initiatives implemented by Società di Progetto Brebemi and other interested parties, from the design phase through the current operating stage of Highway A35.

Materials and technology

Brebemi and its technicians are always attentive to environmental matters and innovation and this section provides the public with information and publications related to the environment, sustainability and innovation. We have participated actively in the analysis, drafting and application phases of the project and in the development of the technology itself.

Action Plan 2018:

Green initiatives

Materials and technology

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